Module Administration SAP Business One

When Starting a System From SAP Business One, the Company usually has to make a Blueprint first, assisted by an SAP Partner to determine the pattern and settings that will be used when the SAP B1 Application is run.

Inside this module stores all information about the Company and information on all users who use this system. As

  • Currency Exchange Rate
  • Authorization and alerts
  • Approval procedure
  • Internal email
  • Access information from Non SAP software by using the export and import functions
Module Administration

if you are already curious about what the contents of the module administration are, let's look in more detail at this module

Choose Company
User Code
- Specifies the username to log in

- Enter your password

Change User
- Clean the User Code and password fields and re-login.

Current Server
- Select Server MS_SQL2005 or MS_SQL2008

Company Or Current User
- Displays all company databases defined on the server

Company Name
- Display the name of the company

Database Name
- Displays the database name that was previously created in the server

- indicates the location of the Company used in SAP Business One

- Display the version of the Database

- Creating a New Database on the server

Exchange Rate And indexes
There is only 1 Rate that can be used on SAP Business One. You can use the 1/2 BI Rate / Rate Rate Depending on Company Needs

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