Exchange Rate Difference SAP Business One
Here's how to make Exchange Rate Difference
Administration è Exchange Rate Difference
Revaluation Currency is used for vendors or customers and GL Accounts whose balance is in a foreign currency or multy currency. The function is to recognize the existence of profit / loss due to changes in exchange rates. In the Reval process, JE will be formed, which will be reversed automatically at the beginning of the following month.
To do Revaluation what must be done is to change the End of Month Rate
* If the revalence process is complete, change the rate to the original rate.
After the Rate has been filled click the Update button. then you have created the Exchange Rate.
Administration è Exchange Rate Difference
Revaluation Currency is used for vendors or customers and GL Accounts whose balance is in a foreign currency or multy currency. The function is to recognize the existence of profit / loss due to changes in exchange rates. In the Reval process, JE will be formed, which will be reversed automatically at the beginning of the following month.
To do Revaluation what must be done is to change the End of Month Rate
* If the revalence process is complete, change the rate to the original rate.
After the Rate has been filled click the Update button. then you have created the Exchange Rate.