General Setting SAP Business One

Administration-System initialization-General Setting

General Setting SAP B1

Has several parts, namely :
1. BP (Business Partner)
In this section you can give a warning to the sales document. With several parameters that must be set, namely
Check whether adding a sales document to the customer causes a deviation from the credit limit set for the customer (Payment Terms tab in the Master Data Business Partner window).
  • Credit limit, Provides a warning when making a sales transaction for a customer who has deviated from a predetermined credit limit (in the Setup in the Payment Partner Business Data Master Data tab)
    • The credit limit provided includes payment using a current account, even though it is not yet liquid
  • Commitment Limit, gives a warning when making a sales transaction if the customer has exceeded the credit limit agreed at the beginning. See the Payment Term Section that is on the Business Partner Master Data form
    • The Commitment Limit given does not include payment using a Giro
Alert for Limit which can be used in SAP only for transactions such as

  • AR Invoice
  • Delivery
  • Sales Order
  • Pick List

Default Payment Term for Customer: Default for the Duration given to the Customer

Default Payment Term for Vendor: Default for the Duration given to Supplier

Activate Approval Procedures: If you want to run the Approval process, you must provide a check mark during the initial configuration. Because it cannot be updated again if there is a transaction

Display Inactive Business Partner In Reports: Keep displaying the Customer / Supplier List in Standard SAP reports even though the Customer / Supplier has been deactivated

Inactive Display Business Partner In Marketing Documents: Keep showing Customer / Supplier List in SAP Marketing reports even though the Customer / Supplier has been disabled

2. Budget 

Block Deviation from Budget, Block transactions because the budget has exceeded the limit
Warning, Give a warning if the budget has exceeded the limit. you can continue the transaction or cancel it.

Without Warning, there is no limit whatsoever when the budget exceeds the limit
In giving a warning / block on Transactions Can be selected based on the For Annual Budget Or For Monthly Budget.

Transactions that can be displayed warning messages are transactions Purchase Order, Receipt PO, Invoice (Accounting)

3. Services

Perform Data check, Check data for each user when logging in and display messages if there is inconsistent data

Open Exchange Rates Table, Displays the Master exchange rate when making transactions with foreign currencies that are up to date

Display Recurring Postings on Execution, Displays Recurring Posts on today's date. Used if the post is run repeatedly

Send Alert for Activities Scheduled for Today, SAP Business One will immediately send a list of all activities that must be done today and can directly process this activity

Display Inbox When New Message Arrives, Displays messages every time there is a new message. Settings are done per user

Open Window for Credit Voucher Ref. Update, when logging in this form will open automatically. Previously it must determine the planning interval for the due date. (Per User)

Open Postdated Checks Window, When Logging In An automatic message will appear that contains a check that is due. (Per User)

4. Display

Language: Change of language per company for all users
Skin Style: Display type used, re-login to see the results
Color: Gives background color to the form
Time Format: The time format used for display in transactions
Date Format: Date format used for display in transactions
Separator: Format Separator date
Decimal Place: Specifies how many decimal digits are used

5. Font Background

Determine the Font and background you want to use

6. Path : Specifies the file storage location in the form of an attachment

7. Inventory / Stock

This section consists of 2 parts, namely item and planning

  • Item:
    • Defines a method for managing inventory (Batch Or Serial number)
      • On Every transaction: Every time there is a stock transaction
      • On Release Only: only inventory transactions are released
    • Specifies the Default Warehouse
    • Determining the G / L Stock Method
  • Planning
    • Used if you want to run MRP where you have to define when sales are used against future sales

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