Item Master Data SAP Business One

Item Master Data are Forms / Media used by SAP Business One to manage all items related to the stock from purchase, sale to production transactions. In this form you can also add, update, search and check items that have been registered.

To open this Form you simply open the Inventory Module - Master Data Item
Inside Master Data Items there are several Tabs that are used to maintain items such as

Item Master Data: General Area,

Item Number: The code used for each item named (Length Field 20 Char)
Description: Name of Item (Length of Field 100 Char)
Desc in foreign Lang: Item names in foreign languages
Item Type: Type of item consisting of Items, Labor, Travel (Standard SAP Cannot be added)
Item Group: To group items (Naming Group Items according to Company needs)
Price List: A list of prices for each item

In the Master Data Item there are several indications such as

  • Inventory Item: The item will be managed in the warehouse / warehouse
  • Sales item: The item is used for sales transactions
  • Purchased Item: The item is used only for purchase transactions
  • Fixed Assets: Items used as company fixed assets

Item Master Data : General Tab

  • Withholding Tax: To determine the default item will be subject to income tax
  • Manufacturer: Used if the item has a product brand from the manufacturer
  • Additional identifier: for additional identification of each item
  • Shipping Type: Transportation Facility used for shipping. (Can be Added as needed)

Manage Item By: to manage items based on (None: Default, Serial Number, Batch). If you manage items using a Batch or serial number, what method will you use will be displayed. The method is

  • None: There is no Managemet specifically to manage this item
  • Serial Number: Managed items based on Serial no
  • Batch Number: Managed Items based on Batch
    • On Every Transaction: When making a transaction a batch or serial number will be displayed
    • On Released Only: Batch / Serial number will only be displayed if the transaction has been released.
Issue Method Usually used on Transactions related to Production

  • Manual: When spending Component items must be done manually
  • BackFlush: the component will be automatically issued based on the parent item that has been registered with the Bill Of Material

The Phantom Item is a sublevel in BOM that isn't really in stock. This is used to simplify BOM
Only BOM Production has Phantom items
The Production Order Explodes the Phantom BOM and displays its components in the required order. In the example below, in the production order, Components 1 to 6 will appear, but not Phantom 1 and 2.

Item Master Data: Purchasing Data Tab 
Preferred Vendor: Vendor choice as the default for the item
Mfr Catalog No: No Catalog item, This amount is displayed on the purchase and sale document
Purchasing UoM: Unit of goods to be used for each purchase
Item per Purchasing Unit: Conversion from the unit in the inventory to the Purchasing Unit
Packaging UoM: The unit used for each Purchase in a Pack / Carton etc.
Quantity per Packaging UoM: Conversion of a UoM Packaging Unit to its Inventory Unit.
Customs Group: Calculate costs for import purchases (Can be added according to your needs)
Tax Group: To determine the Default Tax used for Purchases
Length, Width, Height, Volume, Weight: as additional information about specific items

Item Master Data: Sales Data Tab

Sales UoM: Unit of goods to be used for Sales transactions
Item per Sales Unit: Conversion from the Unit that is in the inventory to the Sales unit
Packaging UoM: The unit used for each sale if sales in Pack / Carton etc.
Quantity per Packaging UoM: Conversion of a UoM Packaging Unit to its Inventory Unit.
Tax Group: To determine the Default Tax used for Sales
Length, Width, Height, Volume, Weight: as additional information about specific items

Item Master Data: Inventory Data Tab
Set G / L Account By: Specifies Default for Account, this Default Set is used as a trigger for making items in each transaction. The system has provided 3 choices, namely

  • Warehouse, Account is set at each warehouse
  • Item Group, Account is set on each Item Group
  • Item Level, Account is set on each item
Inventory UoM: The unit used for items stored in the warehouse
Valuation Method: The method used for item rotation in the Warehouse consists of

  • Moving Average, Costing Calculation is based on the average cost of each sale and purchase transaction
  • Standard, Calculation of costs following the stand
Item Cost: unit cost for each item
Manage Inventory By Warehouse: Stock will be managed based on each warehouse
Required (purchasing UoM): The system will maintain the Stock if the stock has reached a predetermined minimum

Item Master Data: Planning Data Tab
Planning Method: The method used to plan each item

  • MRP, Goods procurement planning uses the MRP System
  • None, Procurement of goods is not planned

Procurement Method: used when the planning method uses the MRP system.

For example, a chocolate box as a parent item from several components inside (BOM).

And the component is 1 wooden box and 25 chocolate. For wooden boxes purchased from vendors while Cokelat is produced by your own company. So to do the default method of procurement of items for wooden box items must use the Buy Method, while Chocolate uses Make Method. The MRP system will automatically recommend the amount needed to assemble 1 box of chocolate.

  • Make, Procurement of goods based on their own production
  • Buy, Procurement of goods based on ordering goods

Order Interval: A value for specifying different time intervals between orders
Multiple Order: Lot Size for MRP

For example: If the value is 12, then the item will be ordered in multiples of 12. So if you need 20 items, the MRP system will recommend 24 items for procurement of goods

Minimum Order Qty: Minimum Lot Size
Lead Time: The due date that will be displayed by the system for procurement of goods

Item Master Data: Properties Tab

Item Master Data: Remarks Tab
To add additional information to each item and display the item in the picture

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