Tips on Passing SAP Certification Exams

Tips on passing SAP certification exams

The following are tips for you to pass the exam during SAP certification, based on the experience of colleagues who have passed the SAP certification exam.

  1. Study study study. Good preparation is to take SAP courses. this will make you far more effective in preparing for the SAP certification exam. SAP has many educational partners for you in preparing for the SAP certification exam.
  2. Collect as much information as possible about the SAP certification exam from the SAP training website, namely:
    Example questions., Frequently discussed topic., number of questions and time allowed.
  3. Never spend money on websites that claim to provide certification exam questions. Most problems are not useful and more often have expired. Appreciate yourself. As a prospective SAP consultant, you must really struggle to pass the exam.
  4. Know what you will face in the place of the exam. Usually the exam is held at a third party's place, there may be someone besides you who is taking the Microsoft certification exam. Some are mostly held on weekends. You might be asked to give up everything you have to keep in a locker. You will be given a pen and paper, but when it is finished you will return the paper. Imagine you are under strict supervision.
  5. Carefully examine each question. Does the question need one or more answers? This can be seen from the text but also from the radio button or check box. The exam application will warn you to fill out each answer 0 but not warn you if you answer less or more. If a question requires 2 answers but you answer only one (even if it's true) you still get point 0.
  6. The exam application will allow you to 'bookmark' questions. Use this feature to signify questions that are 100% you are not sure of the answer. When you return to answer you might not remember to answer. But you must focus on every question, make sure all questions are answered.
  7. The exam application does not tell you how far your exam questions are (eg questions 57 of 80). Use your stationery to record how many questions there are in each section so you know exactly what page it is on.
After the test you will receive the results immediately, Congratulations! If you follow these tips, it's likely that you will pass the certification exam. Good news for you to add to your value. You can add SAP certificates to your CV column.

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