Flowchart Breakdown Maintenance

Flowchart Breakdown maintenance Penjelasan Flowchart :

Production complaints due to engine damage occurred in the production line, production made a notification, then submitted to the engineering team to be followed up
Then the Engineering team will follow up based on that NOTIFICATION, and will convert it into a Order Number. then the engineering team will print a PICK List to request the row material for working on the broken machine, then the spare part team will transfer the stock to the engineering slock.
In this case all work is carried out by the Company's INTERNAL, then after finishing, the user enters the actual time data and closes the Order and submits it to Production to close the notification.
Then what about the work done by outsiders EXTERNAL, the engineering team accompanies the workmanship by the vendor and closes the order and the production closes the notification.
At the end of the month all Orders will be settled for the journaling of machine maintenance costs by the accounting team

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1 comment

This breakdown maintenance flowchart is a fantastic way to visualize the process! Have you considered trying tools like Creately’s Flowchart AI for streamlining such detailed workflows? It could help organize and simplify complex processes like this.
