Benefits of Disaster Recovery Orchestration

Most of the current "Disaster Recovery tools" use orchestration. In a form of DR automation, orchestration can be very useful in disaster recovery situations.

There are two main benefits of disaster recovery orchestration. The first benefit is that orchestration greatly reduces complexity.

Imagine if a virtual machine (VM) running on your datacenter needs to failover to the cloud. There are many things that must be done so that this failover can be successful. For example, a VM might need to be converted from Microsoft Hyper-V to VMware, or vice versa.

Likewise, the VM needs to be given a new IP address, and the system records for the domain names that refer to the VM need to be updated. These are just some of the tasks that admin usually does during failover. Orchestration helps the admin not to do this manually, it helps reduce "human error" and make failover run faster.

Another significant benefit when using orchestration for DR is that it can help scale. Given the many tasks that must be performed by the admin during failover, orchestration is very necessary. Imagine how long it would take to failover more than 1,000 virtual machines manually. Orchestration can make a DR failover done en masse and a more practical failback.

Also Read: Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery Scenarios To Ensure Business Continuity

Although an organization can use DR testing to help ensure that orchestration works as it should, mistakes may still occur. Such as making small changes, which are considered to have no significant effect on the virtualization infrastructure but in fact can cause automatic functions to be interrupted.

The benefits of "Disaster Recovery Orchestration" are usually far greater than the potential problems that arise. However, because potential problems do occur sometimes, it is very important to carry out routine disaster recovery testing.

Disaster Recovery as a Service from Datacomm Cloud Business uses Acronis as an orchestration that has the advantage of performing automatic recovery and recovery boost VMs, so that when a disaster occurs the DR is immediately active.

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