There are currently OpenShift and Cloud Foundry which have the same basis as the PaaS platform. OpenShift is a system developed by RedHart, while Cloud Foundry by VMWare. To help you make the right choice, Datacomm Cloud Business will provide a brief comparison of the two systems.

PaaS vs Container ecosystem

OpenShift and Cloud Foundry emerged when cloud service providers began providing services in the form of cloud infrastructure and platform or software as a service (PaaS). Both are open source and focus on container technology as a container to accommodate applications that are developed, especially those classified as PaaS.

Cloud Foundry has a way of working with containers and container technology as part of a series of large and complex systems. Cloud Foundry is termed a development environment, with reference to the predefined PaaS application framework. Users can host Cloud Foundry in their chosen environment, Cloud Foundry also has its own orchestrator, Diego. While OpenShift has GearD as its orchestrator. Now Openshift is no longer a PaaS, but is shifting OpenSHift to a common platform that can be used to develop all applications based on containers and Kubernetes.


At the architecture level, all users who use Cloud Foundry are required to develop systems that are in accordance with the platform used. Because the framework of Cloud Foundry is tested, users can deploy applications using Kubernetes. While OpenShift is used by the developer team to deploy applications that have been written in their respective environments.


Each company will not necessarily move the entire system used to the cloud, therefore it is needed an integration between applications that are in the cloud with those that are on corporate premise. Cloud Foundry supports monitoring and management, hybrid and multi-cloud, and service work-flow management. But all of these tools cannot be integrated automatically, because all PaaS elements are stateless, requiring harmonization with applications developed with the test. Applications developed in the OpenShift ecosystem tend to be more easily integrated with one another, because the existing ecosystem is able to "embrace" almost all existing applications. That is because OpenShift is a Kubernetes ecosystem, so it is possible to carry out container deployment, monitoring and management, service discovery and security, and workflow management.


It is not uncommon for companies to make front-end separately from the application development process. Cloud Foundry relies on stateless deployment, where stateless is one of the best models for cloud-native application front-end deployment. Infrastructure virtualization can harmonize the development between public cloud and data center resources, thus making Cloud Foundry can be placed in a portable hosting environment. While Openshift does not have support for front-end cloud development, but does not limit the choice of users in choosing a development model or platform tools.


Pivotal, which initially strongly supported the development of Cloud Foundry, is now acquired by VMware. So the future development is very questionable, whether Cloud Foundry will be incorporated in vSphere or not. Red Hat, which was acquired by IBM, has the popular BlueMix framework application, which also includes Cloud Foundry. Red Hat itself is one of the largest open source providers.

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