Why is "Interest" an Important Part of Your SAP Career ?

"Interest" is the only thing that shapes one's personality and proves them as role models for future generations. No one will recognize you, unless you show passion or love for things you do. It doesn't matter whether it's SAP Career or other professions or simple jobs. You can only progress if you put your heart in whatever you do. If you cannot put your heart in whatever you do, there is no point in doing that. Don't let the "ego" control your actions. You have to think about what you want to achieve and dream for it day and night. Dreams and imagination are the starting point of your interests.

There may be several millions of people who directly or indirectly work for SAP. But, if you look again, only a few people are really interested in SAP. They don't see SAP as a product. When they see the SAP logo inspiring them, when they hear the word SAP, all their intuition leads to that. Not because their salary is out of their SAP work, but because that is the only reason they really love SAP. If you want to be part of some of these consultants, you are quite excited to be part of that elite group.

Changing perceptions and thoughts towards SAP, don't think of it as a job seeker, but think of it as a point of changing your life. You will find many consultants working in SAP, but they don't respect themselves for being part of SAP. They will never try to explore SAP. The only thing you can learn SAP is to explore more and more. If you are an SAP consultant, but do not know how to log in or never bother to log in to the system, then surely you lose interest, then the whole essence of your work / ethics is defeated. "Treat your work as God", surely you have achieved something substantial in your career.

SAP is more than just a product

Never think SAP is just a product. You always think that something is beyond your normal imagination. You need to develop interest and love for each screen and every part of coding. If you only consider SAP as a product or software to output your Client's reports, then you will never appreciate the benefits. Never be ashamed to say yourself as an SAP Consultant. You cannot be a complete consultant if you only speak and don't work with SAP. Always respect yourself in exploring SAP's capabilities. If you only think SAP is a product, when you leave your office, you will forget what it is. But, if you think something outside the normal product, the brain and heart still think that even if you leave your office, your mind will roam around SAP. You will be excited to go back to the office and enter the system, this is the starting point of your passion for SAP.

The initiative to continue learning

SAP is an endless sea. With the many technologies and modules surrounding it, there will always be challenges for consultants to follow. Skills and technology will develop rapidly. You cannot claim to be an SAP consultant, if you don't have the desire for such learning. Think outside of your technology and modules. The main strength of SAP is integration with various modules and systems. Your knowledge should cross all modules as much as possible. Indeed getting deep knowledge in all modules is actually impossible. However, at least you should try to get the 'feel' and the fundamental basis of other modules and how they are integrated with your core modules. The future of SAP is an analytical system, therefore, you should not limit yourself to just an OLTP system, but you must spend your appetite in learning OLAP systems.

Like rice and side dishes

SAP is rice and side dishes. Because you are committed to an SAP career, you must always respect the technology that you follow. This will fulfill your career ambitions and your family's prospects. You might see many project managers or program managers not knowing how to log into SAP. It will be painful to work with them when they claim to be managing the program, however, they really don't know the basics of the system. You should always be proud enough to say that you are an SAP consultant. SAP is a profession like other professions that provide their lives. Therefore, it is time for us to respect as bread and butter providers.

Inhale and remove it

If you really love your work as a professional SAP, you will feel that SAP will come and come out like when you breathe. If you do not believe, slowly close your eyes and take a deep breath and exhale by saying SAP, then put your feelings on a piece of paper. Maybe you would think this is excessive, but if you are very excited, then you will know what all SAP means. This is a miracle that has been developed by thousands of people with enormous hard work and you must appreciate and accept this is one of the best available ERP products on this earth. Therefore, you wake up from feeling as a SAP consultant and go to sleep with the same feeling.

Change your mindset in a broader direction

You must always extend to beyond your normal limits in learning SAP, then the same rules you apply when you are in the profession. Constantly, you must remember, you are not in the profession only working from 9:00 to 5:00, you will always make the individual team the same mindset and discuss about system functions, what possibilities are available in order to achieve or map complex business scenario. You always try to reply to sharing knowledge with consultants from other modules. Try to understand knowledge and try to share knowledge with them, so that both parties will benefit. Learning, learning, learning, is the only mantra for your success, to learn this, you need to transcend boundaries, and what determines our limits is only ourselves.

Listen before you speak

Being an SAP consultant always requires your responsibility to listen to your colleagues, customers, team members and the people around you. Project implementation is always challenging and sometimes frustrates them. You will find a number of people around you who want to project a version of their own opinions. You always have to think with their views and understand what they say. This will be a very difficult task, however, it will push you towards perfection. The more you respect other people's thoughts and ideas, it will help in increasing your patience level and making you a complete personality. Passion gets born from the listening skills you have.

Helping people around you

We cannot inspire better than objects such as candles and trees, because they always try to help or benefit others, even when their lives will lead to an end. Trees will provide large delicious fruits, even more as you get older. The same way you have a passion for helping others, that way you will benefit. If your partner is struggling with the problem, then you can try to help, the more you help a number of people, in turn they will help you to increase your level of knowledge. Tomorrow, if you get a similar problem, then you will easily be able to handle it without the help of everyone else. Therefore, sharing knowledge and helping others will always help you when the time comes.

Making reading is part of life

We cannot live without sleep, drink and eat food. In the same way, make it read as a habit. Like how our bodies need enough food, water and sleep, our brains also need large amounts of knowledge to be healthy. I am not sure about other professions, where there is not much need to use the thought process, but, of course and certainly, you have a lot of brain work needed in the SAP profession. You need to read and go through a lot of technical and other literature. Whatever be your good technical consultant if you can't read a few lines of documents / text, there is no use of your skills. Reading literature in and around the SAP area will keep you fresh and give you enough strength and confidence to survive in a competitive world. Therefore, reading everything with enthusiasm, but not by force. This habit will distinguish yourself as a passionate personality.

Increase your interest and love

Be passionate about doing anything, whether it is loving SAP, learning new things, working hard, enjoying teamwork, helping people, sharing knowledge, innovating new ideas and reading etc. Whether you are successful or not, your own passion makes you move. Don't think too much about success or failure. Nothing inspires you like success and nobody teaches you failure. Therefore, failure is also as important as success and you don't have to lose your interest when there is a failure. Failure is a springboard for your success in your future, so you don't have to lose interest in doing it again. If you apply the same passion in your SAP career, then nothing can ever stop you.

Search and find opportunities

To be successful in life, only passion and interest may not be enough, but look for opportunities around you. Every successful person, besides passion, explores the right opportunity at the right time. Opportunities don't always have to look for new jobs, but also how you help others, how you provide the best solutions to clients. If you take every odd or obstacle with a positive outlook, it will be an opportunity for you. The most important thing is that you don't have to lose ethics and integrity while exploring new opportunities. Keep passion in everything you do, look for opportunities and achieve your life's dreams.

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