Tips for SAP Consultants

Before you become an SAP consultant, you should consider two things below:

Interest in information technology 

Interest and knowledge in the field of information technology can be very helpful for an SAP consultant. Someone will be able to explore SAP well if he has the ability to operate it, and also operate various other things such as the internet, power points, and so on. SAP consultants are different from ordinary jobs like others where you always do similar things every day. When you become an SAP Consultant, you will get a new assignment every day, or a task that may be your first time meeting.

Don't trust trends. Follow your beliefs and what you master 

Many of the professionals and fresh graduates want to enter the SAP employment field. Most of them are interested in the salary offered, or other facilities. Maybe they think anyone can become a successful SAP Consultant.
But that thought cannot be realized without interest and hard work. You also need to have sufficient knowledge and nature to continue learning. If you already have a permanent job, and you want to enter SAP, maybe you will start your career from the start and sacrifice your career today. Then you should think twice before making a decision.

The following tips for those of you who have become an SAP Consultant:

Use Google to the full

If you are already very familiar with using Google Search, you will be able to learn various things quickly and can do many things better. Such as looking for solutions to errors that you experience, and so on.
Don't use unnecessary keywords. Websites like Google and SCN will greatly help your work. But sometimes, for certain very specific problems, maybe we will have a little trouble finding it.

Never accept / reject a proposal / requirement just like that

A clever consultant, must listen to the needs of the user, and do not immediately reject it. He must analyze it first, and examine all the consequences that might arise in the system after implementing the solution. No matter whether you believe or not with the possibilities, you are strongly advised not to say "impossible" to implement a system.
You can tell the client to give a little time. If the needs are still very basic, and you are not sure that he really needs it, then you can explain the situation to the client.

Establish a professional network and be active in various communities

It is highly recommended for an SAP Consultant to have a good network with other SAP consultants. This does not mean you should always chat with them and send emails without reason. But you can connect with them via,, or other communities. You can contact them when you have problems. No matter how many years of experience we have, you should try to socialize with other SAPs, especially those who have the same field as you.
You can get knowledge or share knowledge. When you read a blog, you can comment, give criticism, suggestions, or others. And don't forget to remain polite.

Good luck always!

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