How to get cheap click fees on Google Ads

How to get cheap click fees on Google Ads. The system at Google uses an auction system to determine who is entitled to the top positions for certain keywords and how much these advertisers must pay.

But the auction system on Google is not the same as the auction in general. Kl auction in general (eg gold auctions, property, cars), who dares to bid at a higher price, he who gets the goods, kl on Google does not. Not necessarily those who dare to bid higher to get the above position compared to those who bid lower because there is a factor called QUALITY SCORE. With this parameter, of course, it will be FAIR for all parties, both those who have a limited budget or a large budget.

Quality score scores range from 1 to 10. The higher the quality score, of course, will not only make your ad position higher than the others, but will also make the cost per click you pay to Google cheaper. Because it's the main requirement in order to get a cheap click cost that is by increasing the quality score of your ad.

Then what are the factors that determine the quality score? There are 2 main factors, namely the relevance of advertising and the value of CTR. Let's discuss them one by one:

- Ad Relevance

This means that your ad is in accordance with the keywords and advertised pages. For example on your website selling product A at a high price, while in the ad you write it cheap, certainly not appropriate. That will reduce the quality score of your ad. Or worse, your ad is written selling cars, but when people click, it turns out on the website selling motorcycles. Certainly not suitable right? Now this is what makes the quality score go down ... So in order for the high quality score, then what is advertised must be in accordance with what is offered.

- CTR value

This is a comparison between the number of people who clicked on your ad and the number of times the ad appeared. The CTR value is measured by a percentage (eg 5%) and the greater the CTR value, the better it will be because it means your ad is interesting and clicked by those who search on Google. In order for the high CTR value, of course you have to make an interesting ad so that people who see your ad are triggered to click on your ad. The trick is to add promotional words in your ad, for example "Buy 2 Get 1 Free", "Free Shipping", "Buy 3 Free Beautiful Umbrellas", etc.

Now that's tips on getting cheap click fees on Google Ads ... Good luck ...


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